Announcing the BSI 6th Annual Remote Conference: Science & Society – Abstract deadline is November 27, 2020

Announcing the BSI 6th Annual Remote Conference: Science & Society.

This online conference will take place on February 20th and 21st, 2021. The intent is to have an accessible conference where international scholars will present their research to a broad audience. The conference will be broadcast live and last year we had over 1000 registrants from over 100 countries around the globe.

Extension to Submit an Abstract & Early-Bird Registration to Cytokines 2020 Virtual Meeting – Friday, 3 July 23:59 PT

The Cytokines 2020 virtual meeting platform will facilitate networking and exchange of information between all participants and presenters through the Cytokine & Interferon Hubs, before, during and after the 1-4 November dates! Two day extension to submit an Abstract till 3 July, 23:59 PT. The Early-Bird registration deadline for FREE ICIS Member Academic/Government and Student/Postdoc registration fees for the Virtual Meeting extended to Friday, 3 July, 23:59 PT.