Cytokines 2024: Early Bird Registration Prices ending 31 July – Late Breaking Poster Abstract Submission 19 August – 19 September

Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024 SecretariatTel +82-70-4334-8590E-mailAbstract: abstract@cytokines2024.orgRegistration: reg@cytokines2024.orgProgram & Speakers: info@cytokines2024.orgGeneral Inquiries: Hosted by International Cytokine & Interferon Society ICIS and Korean Association of Immunology KAI

2024 ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Award Winners

Announcing the ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Awards for Most Promising Research Presentations at Cytokines 2024

Introducing the four (4) ICIS Student/Postdoc Members with the highest scoring abstracts as per the scientific review committee. Each will be awarded $1,250 and will be presenting an oral presentation or lightning talk at Cytokines 2024 in Seoul at the joint meeting with KAI and recognized as a Pfizer Trainee Presentation, in the most appropriate session based on topic.