About Us

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), is a non-profit organization of over 1,200 scientists devoted to research in the fields of cytokine, interferon and chemokine cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry and the clinical use of these biological response modifiers. Bringing together scientists across many different research disciplines, ICIS is the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine & interferon biology, impacting all aspects of medicine and leading to new treatments in autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious diseases and inflammation. A common ground where scientists interested in all aspect of cytokine biology can join and work together to better human health.

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Cytokines 2024: Early Bird Registration Prices ending 31 July – Late Breaking Poster Abstract Submission 19 August – 19 September

Cytokines 2024 & KAI 2024 SecretariatTel +82-70-4334-8590E-mailAbstract: abstract@cytokines2024.orgRegistration: reg@cytokines2024.orgProgram & Speakers: info@cytokines2024.orgGeneral Inquiries: cytokines@cytokines2024.org Hosted by International Cytokine & Interferon Society ICIS and Korean Association of Immunology KAI joefner@cytokinesociety.org See …

2024 ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Award Winners

Announcing the ICIS-Pfizer Trainee Awards for Most Promising Research Presentations at Cytokines 2024

Introducing the four (4) ICIS Student/Postdoc Members with the highest scoring abstracts as per the scientific review committee. Each will be awarded $1,250 and will be presenting an oral presentation or lightning talk at Cytokines 2024 in Seoul at the joint meeting with KAI and recognized as a Pfizer Trainee Presentation, in the most appropriate session based on topic.

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