Signals+ Newsletter for Cytokine Biologists

For those of you who did not receive the printed version at Cytokines 2022 in Hawaii, you can view the Signals+ Newsletter of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society in its full pdf format here>> 

Or visit the digital magazine version here>> . All contents can be shared individually to your social network, please help us to get the conversations started.


Please remember to contact me with anything you wish to include in future Signals+ Newsletters as well as emailing your publications and news directly to so they can be tweeted @CytokineSociety and shared to our Facebook or LinkedIn group.
If you have questions of any type, please feel free to contact me at

Signals+ Newsletter Editors:
Howard Young
Marta Catalfamo
Di Yu
Zhian Chen
Supreet Agarwal
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