Nomination/Application Form 2024 ICIS Young Investigator, Post-doc & Graduate Student Awards

ICIS Young Investigator Awards Nomination/Application Deadline Extended to Monday, April 8th!

Nomination/Application Form 2024 ICIS Young Investigator, Post-doc & Graduate Student Awards – Deadline extended to Monday, April 8th for the following Awards: ICIS-Regeneron New Investigator Awards for Excellence in Cytokine & Interferon Research (formerly the Milstein Young Investigator Awards) sponsored by Regeneron; Christina Fleischmann Award for Excellence in Cytokine & Interferon Research, recognizing a Young Woman Investigator sponsored by the Fleishmann Family; Sidney & Joan Pestka Graduate and Post-Graduate Awards sponsored by PBL Assay Science and The ICIS-Pfizer Amanda Proudfoot Award for Advances in Chemokine Biology by a Trainee sponsored by Pfizer

Image of hands raised to volunteer.

Help Shape the Future of ICIS: Nominate Someone for Council or Nominations Committee Today!

The International Cytokines & Interferon Society (ICIS) thrives on the invaluable contributions of individuals who generously devote their time and expertise to the Society. As we look to the future, …

Howard Young

ICIS-Distinguished Service Award to be Renamed in Honor of Howard Young, Ph.D.

Today, the governing council of the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS) announced the Society’s ICIS-Distinguished Service Award would henceforth be known as the ICIS-Howard A. Young Distinguished Service Award in recognition of the extraordinary contributions Dr. Young has given to the ICIS and its predecessor society, the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR).

“It’s hard to imagine anyone ever doing more for our society than Howard Young,” said current ICIS President, Sarah Gaffen. “Starting with his leadership of the ISICR, the countless committees on which he served, his stewardship of Signals+, he is the epitome of service and the spirit that permeates everything we do.”