Site icon International Cytokine & Interferon Society

Tips for Talks

As your session will be well attended, we ask that you strongly consider the following points to optimize the effectiveness of your presentation and the session.

The audience is broad in its background. Avoid jargon and abbreviations that are unique to your specific field.

Avoid overly wordy text slides– bullet statements are often best.

On data slides, only include information that you actually will discuss. Panels that are not discussed are distracting and are not useful. This often includes much of your control data and such data is better left for your poster.

Every data slide should have a descriptive title that summarizes the CONCLUSION of the slide rather than only the type of experiment. Lettering should be large (Titles are often best if 36 point or larger and lettering on figure panels should be at least 12 point and ideally larger)– many use lettering way too small to be seen well from the back of the room.

Conclusions should be concise and probably no more than 4/slide. Again, lettering should be very large (e.g., 22 Point font)

Future plans/directions – We recommend a slide with your future plans/directions. This may lead to better questions and collaborations.

Color – Your color combinations must be able to project well in a large room that is not completely dark! There is nothing wrong with black & white slides.

Include your poster number and time on your last slide.

KEEP ON TIME!!!! Most attendees get upset when speakers go over their allotted time as this interferes with attending another talk in a different session.

Practice – Formally practice in front of colleagues at least several days in advance of the meeting so you have time to alter slides. There is no excuse for having typing/spelling mistakes! Indicating that chocolate will be available at your practice will ensure attendance by many of your invitees. WE ASK THAT ALL MENTORS PARTICIPATE IN SUCH A PRACTICE SESSION.

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