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Dusan Bogunovic, PhD

Candidate for Treasurer – 2021 ICIS Leadership Election

Dusan Bogunovic, PhD
Associate Professor of Microbiology, Pediatrics, The Mindich Child Health and Development Institute and Precision Immunology Institute at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
New York, USA

Mission: To drive a supportive and collaborative ICIS community that is based on the principles of good mentorship, professional development, continued education, and the highest academic and civil standards.

My growth as a scientist over the past 17 years was built on these principles, and I firmly believe that they are the cornerstones of our community. Having reached a point in my career where I have accumulated successful experience as a mentor, yet am not too far removed from my own training, I will build on these principles conscious of all perspectives along the spectrum of professional development.


1) Complete and Uncompromising Equality – ICIS is at the forefront of science equality thanks to the fierce and exemplary leadership of Nancy and Kate. But we cannot become complacent, and will develop further. 50% of ICIS leadership at all levels must be female. 50% of Scientific Meeting organizers must be female. 50% of Speakers at ICIS meetings must be female. No compromise! The advancement of all who are underrepresented in science by increasing their visibility at every level is a priority for ICIS.

2) Young Investigator Development – ICIS is again a leader in young investigator development. As we move forward, we will continue to set an example by providing more leadership opportunities to junior society members. For example, a student and posdoc organized sessions at ICIS meetings that expose trainees to decision making and leadership scenarios will encourage more ideas and programing from the junior members of our community.

3) ICIS Growth and Expansion – ICIS has a remarkable history. It is already central to cytokine biology, and beyond. It is an internationally led, financially solid, and fiscally responsible society that continues to grow. To maintain this course, we will further develop philanthropy, fundraising and sponsorship. Long-term financial wellbeing is crucial. It will facilitate a strong scientific community and provide continued support to those who need it most. In parallel, we will push to increase new memberships with a proactive approach that has worked well to date.

A little bit about me: I was proud to receive the 2015 Milstein Young Investigator Award, and am, to this day, grateful for the opportunities it has afforded. In 2016 I received the Young Investigator Award from the American Society for Microbiology, and in 2017 the Lamport Research Award from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. In 2018 I was selected as the Johnson and Johnson Quickfire Challenge Winner, and in 2019 I was honored with the Hirschl Scholar Award from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai. Currently I chair the ICIS Membership Committee with Howard Young. In our tenure we have helped almost double our membership. My scientific passion is cytokine biology, with a particular interest in type I interferons, human genetics, and inborn errors of immunity. We all know the joy and utility that can be found in a strong scientific community, and I am looking forward to help ICIS continue to be an outstanding one.

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