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Cytokines Careers Invites Job Postings for Academic, Industry & Government research positions from Postdoc to Full Professor – Group Leaders


Include Twitter handle and job opening will be shared @CytokineSociety

The goal of Cytokine Career Online Job Board is to bring recent PhDs, Postdocs, Full Professors and Associate and Assistant Professors together with academic, industry and regulatory research institutions with job openings in the international cytokine biology community. This is a free service sponsored by the International Cytokine & Interferon Society. Its success depends on member participation (current membership is at 1,226 members including 573 student/postdoc members). Please post your job openings HERE.

All posted jobs will be highlighted on the Society’s Website periodically shared on our Facebook site (1,460 Followers), LinkedIn Group (1,435 members) and Tweeted (3,309 followers) to increase visibility. Targeted emails to our 1,200+ members will be sent to advertise current open positions posted on this site.
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