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About Us

Who We Are

The International Cytokine & Interferon Society. (ICIS ), is the premier organization promoting the field of cytokine and interferon biology across many different research disciplines at a time when cytokine biology, cytokine biomarkers and cytokine therapeutics are revolutionizing modern medicine. As the scientific family for over 1,250 scientists and physicians, the ICIS fosters career development, recognizes excellence in cytokine & interferon research and serves as a pipeline to ultimately translate these discoveries, leading to new treatments in autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious diseases and inflammation.  Our membership, leadership, and staff are wholly committed to advancing cytokine biology to improve human health.

Members benefit from participating in the Annual Meeting, and communicating their research news through the website, Signals+ Newsletter, and its official journals. Mentorship and career development are facilitated through the Society’s Awards programs, recognizing excellence in cytokine & interferon research through annual Senior, Mid-Career, Young Investigator and Trainee awards.

ICIS Members receive substantial discounts to register for the Annual Meeting which convenes the world’s experts on viruses & anti-viral responses, on the immune system and its functions in health & disease, together with ground breaking industry leaders and next generation PhD students, postdocs and early career scientists. Many of the major advances in cytokine biology were first reported at the Cytokines Annual Meeting.

It is a  major goal of the ICIS to facilitate interactions between young investigators and trainees with established researchers in the interferon and cytokine field. Outstanding junior investigators, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate/medical students are encouraged to participate in the Annual Scientific meeting through the presentation of prestigious travel awards dedicated to young researchers.

A Family of Cytokine Biologists

Become a part of the world-wide community of scientists devoted to research in the fields of cytokine, interferon, and chemokine biology by joining the International Cytokine & Interferon Society. Join others in this large field to exchange information and ideas, strengthen interdisciplinary ties, and build international collaborations. The Society serves as a network to facilitate research communication and strengthen links between academic, government and industry scientists to advance the therapeutic use of and targeting of cytokines, their commercialization and the success of biological response modifiers.


The mission shall be to:

  • to promote original research in the fields of cytokines, interferons, chemokines, growth factors and their receptors;
  • to facilitate communication and interaction between scientists aimed at the multidisciplinary integration of current basic and clinical knowledge and concepts in these areas of research;
  • to facilitate interactions between young investigators and trainees with established researchers in the interferon and cytokine field;
  • to promote the dissemination of information on, and applications of knowledge of theses areas of biomedical research;
  • to promote an awareness with educational programs of the national and international health communities of the importance of these areas of biomedical research.

To achieve these goals, the Society will sponsor meetings, publications and other educational activities.

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